WisconsinResponsibleServing.com is a division of Rserving.com, Professional Server Certification Corp., the leader in online training for Responsible Serving® of Food & Alcohol!
(visit main website: Rserving.com)

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Wisconsin Responsible Serving® Approval
Wisconsin Responsible Serving® (Seller/Server Permit)
The PSCC WI Responsible Serving® course is approved by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue - Alcohol Seller/Server Certification. This course provides the certification required to comply with Wisconsin Statutes 125.04 and 125.17.
Toll Free Support
The PSCC WI Responsible Serving® course is approved by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue - Alcohol Seller/Server Certification. This course provides the certification required to comply with Wisconsin Statutes 125.04 and 125.17.
Toll Free Support
Toll free support by phone 12 hours a day
Rserving.com has people here to help you get enrolled, sign up your employees, or provide you help with any questions or issues you are having while taking the course. You can email questions to us, use the support forum within the course, or call our toll free number 12 hours a day (8am-8pm CST). Toll Free: 800-247-7737
For credentials in other states, please click a state in the map below.